2014 Class – Student Bio

Name: Sonali Ghosh

Photo on 2014-03-12 at 11.07 PM #4


Major: 2D Design in Advertising

About Me:

I am a 2nd year Advertising student originally from Montreal, I have been living in Toronto for just over 2 years now. I love designing and coming up with new ideas and concepts that will make you think. I am really looking forward to travelling to India for design; along with being able to help others through the design process, it will definitely be an eye opening experience for all of us on this journey. Also, group work is incredibly stimulating for me, I really enjoy seeing the outcome of design collaboration and what our different perspectives can achieve.

Over the past few years I have explored a few different areas of interest, in regards to design. Possibilities for design is never ending; that’s why I love advertising, it encourages conceptual thinking with solutions that come in many different shapes and sizes. To me, design is more than just function and form, it’s the perfect marriage of the two. But more than that, it’s how it makes people feel.


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